Corporate Law Experience

Get it right the first time when you're setting up a business or expanding your reach.

Suraj Vyas has business and corporate law experience involving multinational corporations and small businesses. From starting up this very company to handling shares during a merger, Suraj will steer your company in the right direction using his legal knowledge and business acumen. From an engineering standpoint, Suraj understands the role of skilled and unskilled employees as well as how different compensation plans must be handled for exempt and non-exempt employees in order to abide by the law. Regardless of what stage in your business you are in, Suraj can assist.

outsource your in-house general counsel

Sometimes you just need it all, but don’t want to put someone on payroll. Mr. Vyas loves working with businesses like this and integrating himself into the corporate culture of a business. You’re going to save time, money, and energy by outsourcing your general counsel work and we have the receipts to prove it. General counsel work covers everything from patents to contracts to immigration to much more. It’s the one-stop legal shop for your business.

entity formation

Starting a business is exciting! Filing papers is not. Building a business is not a small undertaking and it’s important to get the correct guidance and assistance when it comes to planning your startup. Mr. Vyas can help you decide what is best for your entity and exactly what letters you should want following your company name. Inc? LLC? PC? LP? Maybe you just need a partnership. Maybe you’re a foreign company with international implications to consider. Maybe you’re realizing this is already too much legal jargon. Sit down with Mr. Vyas to find out what works best. After deciding what type of entity you want to form, you need to file papers with the State of Maryland or the District of Columbia so you can make it official. Our firm offers a hassle-free startup process and a variety of services to make sure you get what you want out of us. Articles of Incorporation or Organization, resident agent services, EIN/Tax ID numbers, Operating Agreements, bylaws, Board of Directors formation, Officer designations, charters, handbooks, business plans, stockholder meetings, stock distribution, voting rights, S-Crop tax designation filing, designations and certifications for Minority-Owned Business Enterprise, Woman-Owned Business Enterprise, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise, and more are covered by our firm. The earlier you start working with Mr. Vyas, the better we can serve you. Allowing us to come in at the very beginning of business formation lets us ensure every step taken is precise and necessary. Let us save you money on headache pills, unnecessary forms, and extra taxes.

entity dissolution

Selling the company, merging, or just closing up shop leaves a lot of work to be done. Though Mr. Vyas is capable of handling charter forfeiture, reinstatement, and revivals, he is also capable of handling voluntary and involuntary dissolution. Following the proper procedures in dissolving a company is crucial as it protects executives and stockholders from creditors.


Some companies tend to lease goods frequently. At times these contracts are intentionally or unintentionally disguised as a sale rather than a lease. It’s important to review these contracts thoroughly. As a contract attorney, Mr. Vyas is able to quickly and consistently advise on contracts and what may need to be changed in order to ensure that a proper lease with adequate warranties is executed and the title of goods are not being permanently transferred.


Are you a prospective franchisor or franchisee? Mr. Vyas has advised on numerous franchising matters and can guide you through the entire process including making sure the Franchise Agreement and Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) are up to the appropriate standards for your business and government regulation. This can cover numerous areas of the law including contracts, patents, immigration, and much more. Mr. Vyas can cover these areas while analyzing and communicating your options to you in an easily digestible manner.

Stockholder derivative suits

Generally, stockholders can’t sue on behalf of the corporation as an individual. This is usually left up to the Board of Directors. However, there are scenarios where a stockholder may bring forth a case. Mr. Vyas is able to give a stockholder their best shot at filing suit on behalf of their corporation by following proper procedure and steps and utilizing his knowledge of what conditions need to be fulfilled.

Principal-agent relationship

Usually a person is not responsible for the acts of another person. However, a person could be held liable is he or she has given such power to another person. Sometimes this power is considered to be given from a legal standpoint even though a business owner may not have meant to give their employee such power. Mr. Vyas regularly deals with businesses in these scenarios and ensures that everything done is clear and that boundaries and rules are transparent between employers and employees. This prevents companies from being contractually responsible for the many actions their employees may take. Mr. Vyas also handles all legal correspondence for numerous companies. This prevents any mistake by third parties in thinking that someone has the authority to bind the company to an unwanted contract.

Personnel policy & procedure handbooks

Mr. Vyas has also worked on numerous corporate policies and handbooks. Handbooks are crucial for businesses to ensure employees are up to date on what powers and authority they have to bind the business, if any. This also provides a clear-cut idea of when, or under what situations, such agency power may come into effect and terminate. Furthermore, it details exactly what is allowed and what may result in termination or any other ramification. This could range from scope of employment all the way to a no smoking policy. Mr. Vyas has drafted employee handbooks ranging from a just a few pages to hundreds depending on the size and complexity of the company. Mr. Vyas will tailor-fit a handbook to your specifications and give sound advice based on your business goals and current organizational structure. Laying out rules to all employees in an unambiguous manner helps prevent future legal issues and allow the company to thrive rather than spending time in court, mediation, or arbitration.

Manufacturers, wholesalers, and vendors

Businesses that primarily sell merchandise sometimes dabble in the transfer of a major portion of goods all at once that may not be in the ordinary course of business. In such a situation, these businesses are required to follow rules set forth in the Uniform Commercial Code, including giving notice to creditors and preparing proper documentation. Mr. Vyas is able to accomplish both of these tasks as well as tackle any subtle intricacies, like in the instance of auctions, that may come up during a bulk transfer of goods. Improperly performing a bulk transfer allows creditors an opportunity to swoop in and collect on what they are owed so it’s important to follow proper protocol and procedure under the Uniform Commercial Code.

Negotiable Instruments

Every company will eventually have to use notes or drafts, like a check, as payment in certain transactions. In those instances, it’s important that those instruments meet technical formal requisites of negotiability as laid out in the Uniform Commercial Code. The complexities of the law come into play when holders of these instruments may not actually be allowed to possess the instrument, there are multiple payees, there are multiple signatories, forgery happens, or less common clauses like those for extension or acceleration are involved. Mr. Vyas can make sure every precautionary step is taken in these situations and will ensure your business is in the best position to fight, defend, or prove the validity of any negotiable instrument in claims or issues that could possibly come up in the future.

Visit our Corporate Law FAQ for a few answers to basic questions you may have before contacting our firm for more information.